If you are interested in any work for sale, please contact me via email (ceciliacrowe4@gmail.com)! I can provide more details about the work and arrange shipping. 
Starling Star- $100
Oil on Canvas, 5x5
This is the second of a series of works I’ve been working on wherein I ‘hide’ images of birds within traditional quilt patterns. These works are usually sparked by specific interactions I have with particular birds that are memorable. 

Cawing Voice- $235
Oil on panel, 16x20
This is the fourth of my series of works incorporating hidden birds and quilt patterns. This work ‘hides’ a flying crow. I improvised the quilt pattern throughout the creation of the painting. 
Abundance (Buoy)- $115
Acrylic on wood panel, 12x12
Inspired by buoys on Brown’s dock with a little bit of quilt-y whimsy. I enjoy seeing the different permutations of buoys around North Haven as well as encountering all of the different colors while kayaking. 
Twin Warbler Songs- $155
Acrylic on canvas panel
This work is the fifth of my series of works incorporating hidden birds and quilt patterns. The two birds in this “Drunkards Path” design are the yellow warbler and chestnut-sided warbler, who have almost identical songs (to me, entirely indistinguishable). Like the components of the drunkard's path pattern, they fit together and are hard to distinguish in one way, but almost blatantly opposite in another (their appearance). 
There Is A Season- $125
Acrylic paint, thread, and watercolor pastel on pieced fabric, canvas, and shirting.
This work is an experiment with paint on piecing, using unstretched canvas and hand-stitching. I worked on the hand stitching whilst under a tree in Sage Woods. The yellow vertical marks are a vestige of sunlight coming through my window, and the central colorful patchwork motif uses fabric from a duvet from the North Haven Island thrift store.
Cormorant Flight- $100
I encountered this cormorant while on Vinalhaven kayaking around. The way they take flight and drag their legs briefly on the water is such an interesting form to me. This is another work in my hidden birds/quilt series.
Barracuda- $150
Acrylic Paint on wood
Inspired by my time in Belize, I chose to paint this fish because of how long he is and how he has not a thought behind his eyes.
Perfect landing spot for a bee (Ornamental Jewelweed)- $95
Colored pencil and acrylic paint on wood panel.
Ornamental jewelweed is a beautiful plant there is on North Haven Island (although it is not a native plant). It has two bottom petals that are, as the title suggests, perfect landing spots for bees. I spotted some of these flowers with bee companions while walking down Ames Pt Road. 
Monhegan Chain- $180
Watercolor on paper.
A chain on the beach next to the Fish House on Monhegan. Painted en plein air. I love old, rusty things, rocks, and fish- and this is an homage to that. 
a regal bird that soars- $250
Acrylic paint and watercolor pastel on canvas. 
This work is another exploration of my ongoing bird/quilt theme, leaning more towards quilt than bird. The bald eagle is a regal bird that soars over the nation- and, specifically, North Haven. I have been lucky to see two while I have been here. This work’s particular “piecing” is inspired by a 1950s quilt in the UTSA Texan Cultures collection. 
Gone Fishin'- $110
Acrylic paint on panel. 
This piece depicts some old family photos of mine. I felt the need to get at this aura of the past- I chose to do so by calling to things we still do in the summer- ride buses, go swimming, and catch fish. My grandmother’s big hair is the highlight of this work, for me. 
North Shore Beam- $140
Watercolor wax pastel on wood. 
lowbush blueberry dreamscape- $120
Acrylic paint, colored pencil, and ink on wood.
Near some of the raspberry bushes on North Haven Island, there are little clumps of these adorable lowbush blueberries (also edible!). This is my way of giving the lowbush blueberries their moment and creating a dreamscape for and of the plant.  
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